WTF! What Should I Do Today When Bored

You Should F**king


Hell No! Next Please..

Please Tell Me,What Should I Eat For Dinner?
1: Act Dumb 2: Act Like a Hobo 3: Act Like a Pro 4: Act like a spy for the day 5: Act Like a Zombie 6: Adopt strange mannerisms 7: Advice Others 8: Alphabetize the food in your fridge 9: Annoy Me 10: Annoy Others 11: Annoy Your Friends 12: Arrange your books in alphabetical order 13: Ask a question nobody can answer 14: Ask embarrassing questions 15: Ask people if they’ve seen your head 16: Ask Someone Out 17: Ask stupid questions. 18: Assemble Things 19: Bake a Cake 20: Bake a house of bread 21: Balance a pillow on your head 22: Bathe your dogs 23: BBQ with friends and family 24: Be a ninja. 25: Be a Viking! 26: Be Amazed 27: Be Annoying 28: Be Fascinated 29: Be Impressed 30: Be lazy 31: Be Mean 32: Be nervous 33: Become a Millionaire 34: Become Bored When Not 35: Become Homeless 36: Be Like A Homeless 37: Become Silly 38: Bite Your Tongue 39: Blame Nostalgia 40: Blow Kisses 41: Blow up some balloons 42: Break a Leg 43: Break a Pencil 44: Break a Window 45: Break into a friend's house and clean it 46: Bring Back Good Old Memories 47: Browse Forums 48: Brush up math 49: Build a pyramid 50: Build An Igloo 51: Build miniature models 52: Build Something 53: Burn CDs 54: Burn Things 55: Buy a Barret 56: Buy a Pickaxe 57: Buy a T-Shirt 58: Buy Fezzes 59: Buy Food 60: Buy Fork Handles 61: Buy Goodies 62: Buy needles 63: Buy something from an infomercial 64: Buy Stuff You Don't Need 65: Buy yourself a puzzle 66: Calculate 67: Call people and hang up 68: Call This a Bible 69: Carrot Fight 70: Catch a falling star 71: Catch a Panda 72: Catch Fire 73: Catch up with long-lost friends 74: Change your mind 75: Chat 76: Chat On Facebook 77: Check E-Mails 78: Chicken Dance 79: Chop Wood 80: Churn some butter. 81: Clean up your computer 82: Clean up your house 83: Clean Your Bank 84: Clean your bike 85: Clean Your Desk 86: Clean Your Fridge 87: Clean Your Keyboard 88: Clean Your Room 89: Climb a tree 90: Climb the walls 91: Clone Yourself 92: Close Doors 93: Close the window 94: Collect Rocks 95: Conquer The World 96: Count All Doors 97: Count all the stars in the sky 98: Count Leaves 99: Count To 99 100: Count to a 1,000 101: Count Trees 102: Count Your Fingers 103: Count your visible pores 104: Craft Gold Bracelets 105: Create a card for your loved one 106: Create a home video 107: Create a new recipe 108: Create a play 109: Create a Thread 110: Create Memes 111: Create Origami Balloons 112: Create your own aquarium 113: Create your own comic book 114: Create your own jewelry 115: Create your own song 116: Cry 117: Cut a Tree 118: Cut An Onion 119: Cut Your Fingernails 120: Dance 121: Dance around your living room naked 122: Dance like there’s no tomorrow! 123: Dare to be stupid 124: Day dream 125: Daydream 126: Decorate your room 127: Deny Crimes 128: Develop principles to live by 129: Develop Yourself 130: Die 131: Dig an escape tunnel. 132: Disassemble Things 133: Discover a New Continent 134: Disguise As a Leprechaun 135: Divorce 136: Do a crossword puzzle 137: Do a Quest 138: Do Homework 139: Do Martial Arts 140: Do some needlework 141: Do Yoga 142: Don't Feel Lonely 143: Doodle on your hand 144: Download Music 145: Draw 146: Dress Formal 147: Dress in something silly and laugh at yourself 148: Dress like a pirate 149: Drink a Cup Of Tea 150: Drink a Soda 151: Drink Beer 152: Drink Coffee 153: Drink Coke 154: Drink Milk 155: Drink Snacks 156: Drink Water 157: Drink Wine 158: Drop a Banana 159: Drop Everything You Have 160: Dust Off Stuff 161: Earn Respect 162: Eat a Bagle 163: Eat a Cabbage 164: Eat a Cookie 165: Eat a cupcake. 166: Eat a Donut 167: Eat a muffin. 168: Eat An Apple 169: Eat An Easter Carrot 170: Eat Beer 171: Eat bread 172: Eat Cereals 173: Eat Chocolate 174: Eat Chocolate Cake 175: Eat Drinks 176: Eat everything 177: Eat Grass 178: Eat Herring 179: Eat Ice cream 180: Eat Mentos 181: Eat Patatoes 182: Eat Pie 183: Eat Pizza 184: Eat potatoes 185: Eat Rotten Food 186: Eat Snow 187: Eat Stuff 188: Eat Summer Pies 189: Eat Your Iphone 190: Embarrass yourself 191: Enjoy a cup of coffee 192: Enjoy a relaxing bath 193: Enjoy Life 194: Enjoy The Weather 195: Fall asleep 196: Fall In Love 197: Fashion Show 198: Feel Lonely 199: Feel Numb 200: Feel Sorry 201: Fidget 202: Find Coins 203: Find Friends 204: Find Money 205: Fix things around the house 206: Flip a coin 100 times to see who wins 207: Follow random people 208: Follow Strangers 209: Food Fight 210: Freeze juice in ice cube trays 211: Gardening 212: Gender Swap 213: Get a Heart Attack 214: Get a Job 215: Get Adopted 216: Get Attention 217: Get Bored Together 218: Get Bored, Again 219: Get Coffee 220: Get Drunk 221: Get Fat 222: Get Free Meals 223: Get Free Sand 224: Get Mad 225: Get Migraine 226: Get on the radio 227: Get Rejected 228: Get Rich 229: Get rid of stale items in your fridge 230: Get your car washed 231: Get your hair cut 232: Give Away Money 233: Give names to your body parts 234: Give Up 235: Give your home a fresh lick of paint 236: Give yourself a makeover 237: Give yourself a new identity. 238: Go bowling 239: Go camping in your backyard 240: Go diving 241: Go fishing 242: Go for a run 243: Go for a walk 244: Go on a bike ride. 245: Go On Vacation 246: Go online shopping 247: Go Out 248: Go Outside 249: Go roller skating 250: Go see a movie 251: Go shop for a really cool book 252: Go swimming with your friend 253: Go To a Pub 254: Go to bed 255: Go To The Bathroom 256: Go To The Forums 257: Go to the playground 258: Go traveling 259: Go visit the mall 260: Go window shopping 261: Going for a walk 262: Google "Google" 263: Google Translate 264: Grow 265: Grow a Beard 266: Grow An Afro 267: Grow Up 268: Hate Yourself 269: Have a carpet picnic 270: Have a Nap 271: Have a tea party. 272: Help Others 273: Hide 274: Hold an ice cube as long as possible 275: Homework. 276: Hunt for treasures at antique shops 277: Invent a revolutionary new potato peeler. 278: Invent a weird twitch 279: Join a Chat 280: Join a fan club 281: Join a gym club 282: Kick Someone 283: Kill Dragons 284: Kill Monsters 285: Kill Trolls 286: Kiss your elbow, if you can 287: Knit a sweater 288: Laugh 289: Laugh Harder 290: Learn a new hobby 291: Learn a new language 292: Learn a new word in the dictionary 293: Learn Exams 294: Learn French 295: Learn Greek 296: Learn how to make a website 297: Learn how to play a new instrument 298: Learn origami 299: Learn to Juggle 300: Learn to peel a banana with your feet 301: Lick your lips 302: Lick Your Shoes 303: Light a Fire 304: Listen Beatle Albums 305: Listen to music 306: Look Cool 307: Lose Money 308: Lose Weight 309: Make a cake 310: Make a collage 311: Make a grocery list 312: Make a low buzzing noise 313: Make a rubber band ball 314: Make a snack 315: Make a Steak 316: Make a sundial. 317: Make and fly a kite 318: Make any kind of list 319: Make Arrows 320: Make Deals 321: Make homemade ice cream 322: Make Money 323: Make name tags for your family 324: Make paper flowers 325: Make Pie 326: Make Ramen Noodles 327: Make Silly Faces 328: Make Star Trek door noises 329: Make up your face to look like a clown 330: Make Your Family Worried 331: Make your own pizza pie 332: Master the basics of chess 333: Meet Up 334: Offer Stuff 335: Open a Window 336: Open everything 337: Organize a bike parade 338: Organize your closet 339: Organize your garage 340: Paint 341: Paint a Wall 342: Paint your nails 343: Pamper yourself to a spa 344: Patch some clothing 345: Pick Stuff From Ground 346: Pinch yourself 347: Plan a journey 348: Plan a weekend getaway 349: Play a childhood game 350: Play Field Hockey 351: Play Frisbee 352: Play games 353: Play Guitar 354: Play Ice Hockey 355: Play online games 356: Play paper dolls 357: Play Wii 358: Play XBox 360 359: Polish the silver 360: Press a Buttom 361: Press F5 362: Pretend to be a car 363: Pretend To Be a Carrot 364: Pretend To Be a Monk 365: Pretend you're a robot 366: Print This Out 367: Put a Dog On the cat 368: Put a Shirt On a Cat 369: Put together a scrapbook 370: Put together the ultimate sandwich 371: Read 372: Read a newspaper 373: Read a novel 374: Read This Backwards 375: Read This Thread 376: Realize You Died 377: Recall all your classmates from high school 378: Reflect At Things 379: Rent some fun movies 380: Report Others 381: Ride a Cow 382: Role-Play 383: Roll over 384: Rub Your Thumbs 385: Run around 386: Run In Circles 387: Run up and down your stairs 388: Save Data 389: Say Wiggle 390: Scan Your Face 391: Scratch My Back 392: Scratch Your Beard 393: Scratch yourself 394: Search Money 395: See how long you can sleep 396: See how long you can stay awake 397: Sell Fungi 398: Send a postcard to an old friend 399: Set up a lemonade stand 400: Share Poems 401: Shave 402: Shave your head 403: Shop till you drop 404: Shut Your Eyes 405: Sing Into a Running Fan 406: Sing out load at home 407: Sing soft and sweet and clear 408: Sing your heart out 409: Sit 410: Sit And Wait 411: Skip rope 412: Skype 413: Sleep 414: Smell Your Armpits 415: Smoke 416: Sneeze 417: Sniff 418: Sniff Salt 419: Speculate 420: Spin Around 421: Stab With a Pencil 422: Stand And Wait 423: Stand Up 424: Start a Bonfire 425: Start a Conversation 426: Start a daily journal 427: Start a new political party. 428: Start a vegetable garden 429: Steal 430: Steal a Cow 431: Steal Cookies 432: Steal Tea 433: Steal Weapons 434: Stop Lagging 435: Stream Music 436: Sunbathe nude in your own backyard 437: Surf the net 438: Take a picture every hour 439: Take a yoga class 440: Take apart your desk. 441: Take the dog for a walk 442: Take up photography 443: Take your TV outside 444: Taking courses online 445: Talk French 446: Talk To Wise Old Man 447: Talk Trash 448: Tango With Cows 449: Teach your dog a new trick 450: Tell a joke 451: Test People 452: Think Like a Snail 453: Think of seven new ways to use your shoes. 454: Throw a Snowball 455: Throw a themed party 456: Throw Eggs 457: Throw marshmallows against the wall 458: Throw Mudpies 459: Throw Stuff 460: Throw Up 461: Tickle a Random Person 462: Tour a museum 463: Translate a foreign book 464: Travel 465: Treat yourself a dessert 466: Treat yourself an aromatherapy bath 467: Treat yourself to a body massage 468: Treat yourself to a movie 469: Trim Your Beard 470: Try a new recipe 471: Try bird-watching. 472: Try Not To Laugh 473: Try out different hairstyles 474: Try plan B 475: Try some logic puzzles 476: Try To Rotate Items 477: Try to swallow your tongue 478: Try to think about penguins 479: Type Backwards 480: Use AdBlock 481: Use Money 482: Visit a bookshop 483: Visit a friend’s house 484: Visit a pet shop 485: Visit an art gallery 486: Visit your nearest library 487: Wait 488: Wake up 489: Walk Around 490: Walk around the house naked 491: Walk From A-B 492: Walking on the beach 493: Wash the dishes 494: Wash your vehicle 495: Watch a documentary 496: Watch a foreign film 497: Watch BBC 498: Watch cartoons 499: Watch Commercials 500: Watch People 501: Watch the sun...see if it moves 502: Watch TV 503: Water the plants 504: Wear a Crown 505: Wear Bronze 506: Wear Shades 507: Wear Short Shorts 508: Wear Sock 509: Work out and exercise. 510: Write a big list of fun things to do 511: Write a blog 512: Write a Book 513: Write a diary 514: Write a Letter 515: Write a Novel 516: Write a poem about boredom 517: Write your own list of 100 things to do! 518: Write your very own book wtf! what should i do? I'm bored
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what to do when your bored